Alu-Alu (coldform alu)

BOPA film / Aluminum Foil / PVC film
Widely used in the blister packaging of pharmaceutical & food industries, seal to aluminum blister foil, 600 times the barrier performance than PVC, 100 times the barrier than PVC/PVDC.
- Bopa 25 micron – Alu 47 micron – PVC 60 micron
- Bopa 25 micron – Alu 47 micron – PVC 100 micron
- Bopa 25 micron – Alu 60 micron – PVC 60 micron

- Ultimate barrier against light, moisture, oxygen and gas
- Excellent deep-forming performance
- High delamination resistance
- Printing is available on Alu-Alu
- Small order quantity is available